
The Ugly Face

"Money’s the revenge of the
ugly on the beautiful."
I hate how the pretty faces only talk to the other pretty faces && look down at ugly faces && step all over them because they're not "pretty." But all of a sudden, the ugly face is wealthy... So the pretty face pretends to love it. Thus, it gets ahead of the ugly faces && toppling the pretty faces yet forgetting that those are its friends. The pretty face steps all over everyone, even the ugly face that it was supposed to love... That pretty face mocked its beauty to get ahead of others && now is. The ugly face gets back money steps on that pretty face so now its another ugly face. So why is that pretty face all of a sudden ugly? Because it was a gold digger, a bitch, a smart ass, whatever you want to call it. However, it was too an ugly face. Now the ugly face is a pretty face because it got revenge on an above normal face without hesitation. An ugly face is pretty face whether it has money or not...


KAYLEE said...

WOW gooD POST did you write that yourself?

Princess Banter said...

As they say... money can buy beauty so these beautiful people better be careful of those people they snub...

PinkHippo said...

I strongly believe that inner beauty is equally important.

I do have a lot of friends with pretty face plus pretty soul. They are people I defined as beautiful. :)

Pallav said...


I want to read your posts but your text is way too too tinny...please increase the font size :)



`NEFTY said...

@ kaylee

@ banter& hippo
Thanks for the comments.

@ nothing

Sweetstickychewy said...

This results in people who desperately wants to be in the "in" crowd or popular in other words. See lots of this is high school dramas.