
I Was Judged

"I don't say only god can judge me
'cuz i see things clear..."

If a man was in jail for 6 years for man slaughter, would you let him into your house? If a young boy went to juvenile for constant theft, would you trust him? If a young girl was a prostitute for 3 years, would you leave her alone with your husband? If a woman was hitting her children, would you let her take care of your kids? If a man was a player, do you trust him to love you?
They are judged because of something they did in the past? They are judged because they will do it again? People are judged because of something they did, will do, might do, && can do. The above people... Everything is WAS. Why do people still judge them?


Anonymous said...

gOOD QUESTION................I am really thinking now:P

Akanksha said...

hmmm..well..we cant stop people from judging...but we can start from our own selves..right?? dat can make a difference,afterall single droplets can make oceans.

`NEFTY said...

@ kay
Confusing, yes.

@ akan
"But we can start from our own selves.." I don't understand.

Unknown said...

ya judging people frm their deeds in the past may not be always rite.. we just have to look for good signals in a bad person, or bad signals in a good person...
thanks for posting in ma blog.. nice blog btw..

choochoo said...

I'm judging people all the time, although I try to be open-minded. Right now I'm judging the people upstairs for listening to a disco album...

Michelle said...

really good question honestly, i really dont know what i would do in any situation...its like when an anonymous person lets out a secret, u STILL judge the person without even knowing them...thats just how people are...

Impressionist said...

that makes me think!
I have never really given a thought bout it!
Its the people who dont give them a chance to change, I guess!

peace & love

`NEFTY said...

@ shashi
Definitly right about the signals part! && the past is the past.

@ choo
I have some disco songs... So what does that make me? Lol=P

@ michelle
True, but if it's the past, don't worry about it.

@ ra
Hard to answer these questions, huh?

WritingsForLife said...

i think it is all about TRUST. It is a hard thing to build in oneself, especially when one is betrayed. People cant trust others especially when they don't know someone personally. It is easier to let go and forgive someone if we are emotionally attached to them but if not then its very hard. We don't have any guarantees.

Sweetstickychewy said...

I guess people still do judge them for fear that the past might still live and they might be the next victim.

Insecurity probably.

Utopia said...

cos this is a judgemental world and our pasts are a mirror of what we have been and the only solid records we have to show who we can be. but we can change, always, its in our hands, within us. its about giving ourselves a chance again and believeing that there is more to me than the person i was before.

Unknown said...

hey nefty ive linked u in blogroll..

oomi said...

thanx dear for your lovely comment and thats the truth that god can only judje a person clearly because he knows every thing

AVIANA said...

it's hard to not judge the actions of the past but a pattern in the past helps determine the future...someone who has a history of doing a particular action will likely do the same thing...i mean if you knew a guy beat up his ex girlfriend and he wanted to date you...would you just put what he did in the past as just that, the past? someone who lies will likely do it again...

they have to prove in the present that they are worthy to be trusted and not to be judged in the future...

it's harsh but that's the way it is...

i'm assuming something has happened to you and that's why you are bringing this up...maybe you don't want to be judged....it's hurtful...but you can't blame the person for having reservations if you have given them valid reasons to doubt you...think about it from their perspective....

but people are willing to give second chances if they are proven wrong.... :)

`NEFTY said...

@ raj & sweet

@ utopia
Beautifully said:]

@ shashi

@ oomi
It says, "I don't say only..." lol.

@ av
"I mean if you knew a guy beat up his ex girlfriend and he wanted to date you...would you just put what he did in the past as just that, the past?" Well, I would talk to him thoroughly, discuss things. If he changed, he changed. If he does reenact that part that was supposley his past, obviously he's not changed lol.
This post is talking about the people that DID change.
"They have to prove in the present that they are worthy to be trusted and not to be judged in the future..." They will always be judged!
&& even a good person will always be judged although that has nothing to do with this post=P
"I'm assuming something has happened to you and that's why you are bringing this up...maybe you don't want to be judged....it's hurtful...but you can't blame the person for having reservations if you have given them valid reasons to doubt you...think about it from their perspective...." Nope, not all, doesn't bother me. I get judged, but who cares, I know who I am. So many people aren't this way, but I am a type of girl strong at heart. && if you are a consistent reader here, I talk nothing about my past, future, or even present. I only give some details about me.
Now, who is saying I'm blaming someone for something!?
This post doesn't indicate any blames for anything. If these were true && the person did change, it's just something to think about.

AVIANA said...

so what do you think about the kiss?

`NEFTY said...

@ av
On your blog:]

Azathoth100 said...

Becuase people don't change very much unless something major happens to them. Once someone has proven a tendency towards something beyond the social norms then we know that they have it in them to do so again. As the saying goes, the leopard can't change it spots. People may not be leopards, and yes they can change, but far too often they don't. In the end, words are only words and can be used and twisted, but actions show whats really inside a person, and if those actions are 'bad' or 'evil' ones than it makes us leary about the person who's comiting them. As Rajji ays, it's about trust, and broken trust isn't healed easily.

Azathoth100 said...

Oops, sorry for the mispellin Raaji...
The typewriter and me arn't always freinds.

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